On Jan 23, 2009, at 6:43 AM, mrisal...@libero.it wrote:

Yes, I understood, it's only to remember us to do it on the OFBiz site too.

What does we think about changing also those attributes ?

element          old-attribute  new-attribute

condition-expr   field-name --> field

This is not a field in the context, and is actually the name of an entity field. To distinguish from a field in the context I decided to leave it as "field-name".

condition-object field-name --> field

This one I missed in widget-screen and simple-method, though got it in widget-form. It is actually a field in the context and not an entity field.

select-field     field-name --> field
order-by         field-name --> field
field-map        field-name --> field

These three are the same situation as condition-expr.

iterate-section  list-name  --> list

Yes, good point. This should be like the simple-method iterate and iterate-map operations. In addition to list-name I just changed entry- name and key-name to remove the "-name".

These changes are in SVN rev 737194.


While we can update these immediately, with this stuff still up in the
air I don't see the hurry.

If you need them for local validation during development, I recommend
instead that you setup your XML editor to look at your local XSD files
instead of the ones on the web site. If your XML editor can't do
that... it might be a good reason to switch! :(


On Jan 23, 2009, at 1:28 AM, mrisal...@libero.it wrote:

Thanks a lot David,

can someone also update the ofbiz site (www.ofbiz.org/dtds) wsd
files according to this changes into the trunk ?


Thanks Marco! Hopefully I didn't miss too many of these, but with
hundreds of them chances are I did...

This one is updated to be more consistent in rev 736832.


On Jan 22, 2009, at 7:37 AM, mrisal...@libero.it wrote:

Hi to all,

I saw that into widget-screen.xsd the element name "field-map" still
having the attribute "env-name" instead of "from-field" like the
other xsd files.
Is it something wanted or simply forgot to change it ?

This could be an exampe of using the new attribute "from-field" in
the screen widgets.

<screen name="EditPayment">
             <set field="titleProperty"
             <set field="tabButtonItem" value="editPayment"/>
             <set field="paymentId" from-
             <entity-one entity-name="Payment" value-
                 <field-map field-name="paymentId" from-


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