Oops, I was wrong - "es_ES" IS a valid locale ID. I didn't see it at first. I apologize for the confusion.


Adrian Crum wrote:
"es_ES" is not a valid locale ID. Spain Spanish is simply es. There are locale IDs for different dialects of Spanish. You can look at the locale selection screen page source to see the valid locale IDs.


Karim Rahimpur wrote:

Spanish language differs quite a lot in different countries and some translations that are common in one country are meaningless or even ridiculous in another. So having only "es" translations makes it impossible to satisfy everyone.

My proposal is to add "es_ES" translations and that other "es" based languages add their own translations in a similar manner when needed.

I would supply all *Labels.xml files as well as conditional.xml updated so that each definition for "es" would be immediately followed by an identical "es_ES" definition.

If anyone is interested to have their national variety included we could add that in the same patch. The patch would then be supplied against the most recent trunk revision so that it can be included easily.

My question is if there are any objections against this approach, otherwise I would create a Jira issue when ready.

Anyone interested, please comment.

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