OK, I will move to the footer.

BTW for the SVN info, could we think to use the patch included here? *
OFBIZ-1700 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1700>
With this change a new ant target was added to run the svn info command and
the results were available to be shown in an "about" application.
May be now a better implementation could be to have the svn info generated
string available in a portlet.

2009/2/2 Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>

> +1 for footer (and if we could have the release number it would be even
> greater ;o)
> Jacques
> From: "David E Jones" <david.jo...@hotwaxmedia.com>
>> Shouldn't that be the time the server thinks it is for the user, and
>>  therefore something that we might want visible to the user just in  case
>> their time zone setting is off or something?
>> Of course, it doesn't need to be in the header... I like the footer
>>  better personally for less critical/useful info like that.
>> -David
>> On Feb 2, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>  If we need information on the server there is the log in webtools. I
>>>  can't see why an end user would be interested by server time, but I  may be
>>> wrong...
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "Bruno Busco" <bruno.bu...@gmail.com>
>>>> On a second thought... are we sure this is not usefull to know the
>>>>  server's
>>>> time?
>>>> If this is not the case and there are not objections I can remove it.
>>>> -Bruno
>>>> 2009/2/1 Bilgin Ibryam <bibr...@iguanait.com>
>>>>  In case my vote was not very clear: + 1 to remove it
>>>>> On Feb 1, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Bilgin Ibryam wrote:
>>>>> + 1
>>>>>> Bilgin
>>>>>> On Feb 1, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>> I just realise that we have a date/time in header. Does it make  sense
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> have this here ?
>>>>>>> Time (and even date) is not updated and each modern OS provides  this
>>>>>>> information in some taskbar anyway.
>>>>>>> Jacques

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