After digging deeper, the widget are also the function
buildhyperlinkUrl in
is not using url encoding either.

I found that the StringUtil.defaultWebEncoder.encodeForURL shoudl do the
job, but i would like a core developper to have a look to it as the bug is
really central so i would prefer not to create side effects.

2009/6/17 Patrick Antivackis <>

> So after looking into :
> framework/webapp/src/org/ofbiz/webapp/ftl/
> and
> framework/webapp/src/org/ofbiz/webapp/control/
> the ofbizUrl tag is calling the RequestHandler.makeLink which is using
> httpServletResponse.encodeUrl.
> So parameters are not url encoded, as contrary to the name
> httpServletResponse.encodeUrl is not doing an encoding job of the
> parameters.
> So back to my initial question, should the ofbizUrl do this url enconding
> of the params or should we use the freemarker ?url string function ?
> 2009/6/17 Patrick Antivackis <>
>> in fact in the source there is
>> <a 
>> href="https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditCategory?productCategoryId=DVD&#43;r
>> <https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditCategory?productCategoryId=DVD+r>">
>> which is really stupid !! as it means 2 parameters.
>> So the ofbizUrl tag is encoding, but i don't understand why it's encoding 
>> like this.
>> 2009/6/17 Patrick Antivackis <>
>> Hello,
>>> Before filling a bug i would like to confirm it with you and validating
>>> the way to correct it.
>>> Let's say I want to create a new category which ID is  DVD+R
>>> Creation is ok through the admin interface, but whenever i want to access
>>> this category, the get parameter categoryId=.... of the url is wrong as it's
>>> not encoded, so we have :
>>> https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditCategory?productCategoryId=DVD+Rinstead
>>>  of
>>> https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditCategory?productCategoryId=DVD%2BR
>>> I take a category example, but it can apply to product, party, .... well
>>> all entities.
>>> In the freemarker templates, the urls usually look like this :
>>> <a
>>> href="<@ofbizUrl>EditCategory?productCategoryId=${productCategoryId}</@ofbizUrl>">
>>> so is it the ofbizUrl that is not doing it's job, or should the url be :
>>> <a
>>> href="<@ofbizUrl>EditCategory?productCategoryId=${productCategoryId?url}</@ofbizUrl>">
>>> Thank you in advance for your answer

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