
I tred to find all productPrice associated to a workEffort and filter them by the workEffort.actualStartDate value. To achieve that I used in the form's action an entity-condition like this one :

<entity-condition entity-name="ProductPrice" list="listIt" >
<condition-expr field-name="fromDate" from-field="workEffort.actualStartDate" operator="less-equals"/> <condition-expr field-name="thruDate" from-field="workEffort.actualStartDate" operator="greater-equals"/>
<condition-expr field-name="productId" from-field="workEffort.productId"/>

This is working fine but only if the ProductPrice.thruDate exists. If I use : <entity-condition entity-name="ProductPrice" list="listIt" filter-by-date="true"> The filter isn't anymore with workEffort.actualStartDate but with nowTimestamp value. It's not my goal.

After a quick search I extended ListFinder.java to add a new attribute : filter-with-date-value to have the possibility to give a date value to filter. Now I can do : <entity-condition entity-name="ProductPrice" list="listIt" filter-with-date-value="${workEffort.actualStartDate}" >
<condition-expr field-name="productId" from-field="workEffort.productId"/>

I opened a jira issue to submit this improvment or is there already a solution for doing this?
Any suggestions are welcome !


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site : http://www.librenberry.net/

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