I don't believe replacement of the entire plugin folder (or even deletion,
which I noticed in a comment/posting elsewhere) would go down well with
developers who also have created their own special purpose components.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>
OFBiz based solutions & services

OFBiz Extensions Marketplace

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 2:16 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just crossed an issue while updating my ofbiz-framework working copy
> after having used pullAllPluginsSource. I get an error message "Skipped
> obstructing working copy".
> This is because we have already a plugins folder in the
> ofbiz-framework/trunk branch and when we use pullAllPluginsSource we
> replace it by a new one (plugins folder) and the main .svn gets confused
> (in root)
> I think we can live w/o the README.txt in the plugins folder and the
> folder altogether and document it another way if needed (in the main
> README.MD?), it will fix this problem.
> Opinions?
> Jacques

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