On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 09:54 +0200, Malte Timmermann wrote:
> Methods with very strange names, hard to speak ;)

> No just kidding - it means that very likely (100%?) these methods are
> never used/called from somewhere.

*cough*, yes. Maybe a "what the hell are they", might be useful. They're
the non-virtual methods in those modules that are not referenced by
anything at all, i.e. nothing calls those methods so they would appear
to be dead code.

Auto-excluded from the list are well-formed operators that should be
encouraged, i.e. unused assignment operators and copy constructors are
excluded as are "const" variants of methods if there is a used non-const
variant. Also excluded are the unused methods in those modules that
arise from using the various OOo macros that create loads of generally
unused DeleteAndDestroy and _ForEach etc methods.

Of course, there might be some reason to hold onto those symbols, i.e.

a) they are symbols which are dlopened somewhere else in OOo, maybe the
case for about 1% of them, i.e. only the handful of C symbols at the top
of the binfilter list
b) they are debugging-only symbols which should be inside some 
#if OSL_DEBUG > X line
c) they are used on some other platform, but just not linux, and should
be inside the same #ifdef as their callers
d) there's some bug in the script

I think for a good number of these modules I've already submitted
patches for the unused methods which'll hopefully work their way into
the DEV300 line over the next few weeks (and mba has a workspace which
should take care of the majority of the binfilter ones). 

If I recall correctly, the module with the most unused methods that
doesn't have anything in the pipeline to remove them is sc, so there's
where the lowest hanging fruit should be.


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