Jochen Topf wrote:
> Hi!
> When creating excerpts of OSM data with Osmosis, Osmosis will (depending
> on flags) chop of ways, i.e. the output will contain ways with only some
> of the nodes in the way. But looking at the XML there is no way to tell
> that this has happened. The way still has the same ID and timestamp.
> There should be a way of recognizing theses chopped of ways, say by
> adding an incomplete="true" attribute or something.
> This question came up on the German mailing list after somebody had used
> the excerpt as basis for some automated fixing of data. He (IMHO correctly)
> checked the Osmosis excerpt with current data from the API by comparing
> the timestamps which were the same. So he assumed nothing had changed
> and he could safely edit the data. But because of the excerpt process
> the data he based his decision on, was not correct.
> This is part of a larger problem. Say you create an extract with only
> some of the tags or a relation with only some members.
> Jochen
I made a mistake making way truncation the default behaviour.  I intend 
to fix this but feel free to raise a defect in TRAC.

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