On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Robert (Jamie) Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> In theory, you only need to do this once on a planet file. After that,
> everything should be consistent and remain consistent, and it's probably
> worth putting the checks back in, because a subsequent error would imply
> a deeper problem with either the diffs or with the merge routine.

Yep, that was my original thinking and it used to be that way within
osmosis.  To get around this problem and keep things simple I made the
changeset code more lenient.  Now that it's starting to get widely used and
more people understand how it works it might make sense to make the process
stricter.  I guess it all depends on how critical the downstream accuracy

At the moment the production db has a number of quirks that make any process
likely to have some flaws.  Utf-8 encoding issues are one, lack of
transactional integrity between current and history tables is another.  I
think efforts should be focused there first.  Once that is rock solid then
we can look at tightening up replication mechanisms.
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