On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 4:39 PM, Isuru Perera <isu...@wso2.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I think we should agree on whether we should use tabs or spaces for the
> indentation.
> I'm suggesting that we should use 4 spaces for the indentation and
> completely avoid tabs in our code.


Tabs can mess up the code when working with different developer environments.

> I can help to come up with an Eclipse Formatter profile. We should also
> format the entire code base in a single commit after we agree on our coding
> standards.

Great! I can work on a IntelliJ Idea Formatting profile.

> Thanks!
> Best Regards,
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Lakmal Warusawithana <lak...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is the guideline we used in WSO2, shall we have a look and see
>> whether we can use the same.  Please share your thoughts. After we finalised
>> will put this into wiki and make it as common guide line.
>> Comments
>> Doc comments
>> All classes and all methods/functions MUST have doc comments
>> Explain each parameter, return type and assumptions made
>> Line comments
>> In case you have complex logic, explain any genius logic, rationale for
>> doing something
>> Logging
>> Log then and there
>> With ample local information and context
>> Remember logs are for users. Make them meaningful, readable and also make
>> sure you spell check (ispell)
>> Use correct log level, e.g do not log errors as warnings or vice versa
>> Remember to log the error before throwing an exception
>> Logic
>> Make your genius code readable
>> Use meaningful variable names. Remember, compilers can handle long
>> variable names
>> ________________________________
>> Variables declared in locality, as an when required
>> The underscore character should be used only when declaring constants, and
>> should not be used anywhere else in Java code
>> Make sure the function/method names are self descriptive
>> One should be able explain a function/method using a single sentence
>> without conjunctions (that is no and/or in description)
>> Have proper separation of concerns
>> Check if you do multiple things in a function
>> Too many parameters are smelly, indicates that something is wrong
>> Use  variables to capture status and return at the end whenever possible
>> Avoid status returning from multiple places, that makes code less readable
>> Be consistent in managing state e.g. Initialize to FALSE and set to TRUE
>> everywhere else
>> Where does that if block end, or what block did you end right now? Have a
>> comment at end of a block at }
>> Use if statements rationally, ensure the behavior is homogeneous
>> In case of returning a collection, must return an empty collection and not
>> null (or NULL)
>> Do not use interfaces to declare constants. Use a final class with public
>> static final attributes and a private constructor.
>> Always use braces to surround code blocks ({}) even if it is a single
>> line.
>> Break code into multiple lines if it exceeds 100 columns
>> Align method parameters, exception etc. in order to improve readability.
>> Use the settings in your IDE to do this.
>> Be sure to define, who should catch an exception when throwing one
>> Be sure to catch those exceptions that you can handle
>> Do not use string literals in the code, instead declare constants and use
>> them, constant names should be self descriptive
>> Use constants already defined whenever possible, check to see if someone
>> already declared one, specially in base libs, like Axis2
>> Java Specific
>> Coding conventions -
>> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/codeconv-138413.html
>> Only exception is line length, we use 100
>> Run FindBugs on your code - http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/
>> Use CONSTANT_VALUE.equals(variable_name) to avoid null pointer exceptions
>> You should run FindBugs on your new code or modified code, and commit only
>> after fixing any bugs reported by FindBugs. It is recommended to use the
>> IntellijIDEA (FindBugs-IDEA) or Eclipse FindBugs plugin to do this.
>> --
>> Lakmal Warusawithana
>> Vice President, Apache Stratos
>> Director - Cloud Architecture; WSO2 Inc.
>> Mobile : +94714289692
>> Blog : http://lakmalsview.blogspot.com/
> --
> Isuru Perera
> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc. | http://wso2.com/
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> about.me/chrishantha

Akila Ravihansa Perera
Software Engineer, WSO2

Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com

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