On 7/7/05, Deadman, Hal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was able to use Shale with Weblogic 8.1 which is certified on J2EE
> 1.3. (Servlet 2.3/JSP 1.2)
> I think relying on Java 1.4 is fine because all the major vendors
> support it in their current versions but BEA still hasn't released a
> J2EE 1.4 compliant server so it would be nice if Shale could avoid any
> J2EE 1.4 dependencies if possible, at least until upgrading to Weblogic
> 9 is an option.
> Normally I have little sympathy for people not being able to use the
> latest and greatest frameworks if they haven't kept their servers up to
> date but in this case shale should attempt to target the same specs that
> JSF targets and for now that is Servlet 2.3.

The biggest reasons to go for Servlet 2.4 / JSP 2.0 are:

* You can ask that filters be applied on RequestDispatcher.forward() and
  RequestDispatcher.include() calls, not just on the original request.

* For people that like container fired events, Servlet 2.4 adds
request lifecycle
  and attribute change listeners.

* The XML based syntax for JSP pages in JSP 1.2 is really hard to use,
  whereas in JSP 2.0 pretty much any well formed XML document is also
  a well formed JSP page.

* If you need to build custom tags, it's substantially easier with the
JSP 2.0 APIs
  (this doesn't help on JSF 1.1 component tags, however; those must still be
  built to the JSP 1.2 APIs).

* JSP EL expressions can be used anywhere in the page, not
  just in the attributes of EL-aware tag libraries.

That being said, the Shale core has not (yet) made mission critical
use of these facilities.  I'm sort of OK with keeping J2EE 1.3
compatibility in mind, but I'm likely to be loathe to give up J2EE 1.4
if there is some really important functionality that ends up depending
on it.


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