On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 07:15:16PM +0100, François Chaix wrote:
> I would like to report and ask for help about a problem I have
> executing st.
> I get this message :
> [...]

I can't say why the default FONT configuration of st wouldn't work in
Fedora, but it could be that the exact font sizes requested are not

> I tested to configure st with 
> #define FONT "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
> witch is the font I use in dwm (and it works, dwm find the font).
> Same output error.

As far as I know terminus starts with 12 pixel height, which would
explain why you won't get a font there. You might want to replace the 8
with a 12 there and try again.

You could also use xfontsel (if installed) to get a font pattern that
results in the font you want to use.

Dwm actually uses a fallback font in case it can't find the font you
specify. This might be why you don't experience problems there.

Eckehard Berns

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