
@Larry I have had a look at the latest version of the tavern mobile app after 
pull request #4. Here are some thoughts:

1)      The Usage and About pages from the left menu don't seem to do anything.

2)      Which service is the user logging in with? The code refers to both 
taverna server and taverna player and seems to be logging in to taverna player 
using a GET. Does this actually do anything since I logged in with a random 
account name and it all still worked. (Actually, I was surprised this wasn't a 
POST request). We need to make it clear what a user is logging into since the 
image on the login screen implies that we are logging into myexperiment . I'm 
not exactly sure what is gained by logging into the player.

3)      In the settings we can change both tavern server and player URLs. Do we 
need both. Isn't it a bit confusing.

4)      Where are the workflows coming from? I thought they were from a users 
account on myexperiment. In fact that is what I thought we were logging into.

5)      In the workflows tab I only have 1 workflow appearing. There are 3 
workflows in the favorites tab, although I haven't got any favorites yet. Are 
these real workflows or just hard coded for the moment.

6)      The powered by "myexperiment" logo seems really small. I'm not even 
sure we need it at all. The menu screen says powered by Apache Taverna. It's a 
bit confusing.

7)      I clicked on workflow 'favorite' star and although a message claimed 
that it had done something it wasn't added to the favorites list.

This seems like a lot of stuff to think about but that's really because I want 
you to succeed. Apologies if you have already addressed any of these issues in 
your fork since I appreciate that the apache tavern repo is always behind 
yours. How do you feel you are progressing with respect to the initial plan? Is 
there anywhere where you need more clarification or help? It's almost time for 
the midterm assessment so we need to make sure that we are (mostly) on track.



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