On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 9:42 AM, dsh <daniel.hais...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I use FindBugs, Checkstyle, PMD and other static code analysis tools
> on my own where applicable while working on Apache or other projects.
> According to my experience, enforcing such tools for instance during a
> continuous integration build cycle has the advantage that it a) breaks
> the build if configured to do so and b) somebody has to review the
> reports generated by such tools which is a cumbersome task to do. So
> IMHO using such tools interactively while developing code is more
> appropriate than using them in a batch-like manner. Additionally I
> would say FindBugs et al. are sometimes able to indicate potential
> memory leaks based on a particular code fragment which is probably
> something that can't be covered using unit tests only.
> Cheers
> Daniel

Sonar fixes the "cumbersome report review task" issue" :)

Luciano Resende

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