2011/10/10 Jean-Sebastien Delfino <jsdelf...@apache.org>:
> Hi there! a few thoughts:
> Tuscany-cpp has a hard dependency on HTTPD, used as runtime container
> instead or writing my own.
> Not sure if HTTPD mods can be easily ported to LightHTTPD. If it's feasible
> and people want to try, I can help with any questions you have on the
> Tuscany HTTPD mods.
> Some sizing info posted to the Tuscany user list last year, showing that
> HTTPD can be built small:
> http://marc.info/?l=tuscany-user&m=128031058024758&w=2
> Hope this helps.

Hi Jean Sebastian,
some thoughts about SCA native. The roading map might be:
+ remove pthread depenency in parallell.hpp with  the new c++ features
+ remove Axis/C dependency with gSOAP. Axis/C relies on java runtime, afaik.
This remove as well Apache2 dependency
+ remove Curl dependency. In my idea there is the option to use boost
at some extent

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