thanks for the effort... here's the output:

using at:

2002-08-29 17:03:28 [4] INFO: Starting to service <Test> from <97979107> to <1234>
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [4] DEBUG: Started thread 7 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [9] DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent message to <>
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [4] DEBUG: Started thread 8 (gwlib/http.c:write_request_thread)
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got ack
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening connection to `' (fd=26).
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG: HTTP: Sending request:
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x8138808:
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   len:  121
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   size: 122
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 47 45 54 20 2f 66 65 65   GET /fee
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 64 62 61 63 6b 2f 6e 65   dback/ne
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 75 63 61 72 65 5f 73 6d   ucare_sm
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 73 2e 6a 73 70 3f 6d 73   s.jsp?ms
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 69 73 64 6e 3d 39 37 39   isdn=979
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 37 39 31 30 37 26 74 65   79107&te
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 78 74 3d 54 65 73 74 20   xt=Test
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31   HTTP/1.1
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 0d 0a 48 6f 73 74 3a 20   ..Host:
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 32 30 32 2e 31 37 32 2e   202.172.
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 34 32 2e 31 37 37 3a 38   42.177:8
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 30 32 30 0d 0a 55 73 65   020..Use
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 72 2d 41 67 65 6e 74 3a   r-Agent:
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 20 4b 61 6e 6e 65 6c 20    Kannel
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 31 2e 32 2e 30 0d 0a 0d   1.2.0...
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG:   data: 0a                        .
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [7] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [5] DEBUG: message length 55, sending 1 messages
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [8] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [6] DEBUG: smscconn_sender (AT: /dev/ttyS3): sending message
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [6] DEBUG: TP-Validity-Period: 24.0 hours
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [6] DEBUG: AT: Command: AT+CMGS=61
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [6] DEBUG: Read from modem: '>'
2002-08-29 17:03:28 [6] DEBUG: AT: Command: 0011000881797919700000A7375474D8BD06E5DF7517C859AE8FC3F232883A03A5E7A0FCBB2E07BDDDE5D69CFE8683E0E9369C5D06CDDFEC3A3DFD76BB00
2002-08-29 17:03:30 [6] DEBUG: Read from modem: '+CMGS:'
2002-08-29 17:03:30 [6] DEBUG: send command status: 0

using at2:

2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: <-- 069156690500100408B47979197000002080927120212304D4F29C0E
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: Numeric sender (international) <+97979107>
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: --> AT+CNMA^M
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent message to <>
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [4] INFO: Starting to service <Test> from <+97979107> to <1234>
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [4] DEBUG: Started thread 7 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [4] DEBUG: Started thread 8 (gwlib/http.c:write_request_thread)
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [7] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got ack
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening connection to `' (fd=26).
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG: HTTP: Sending request:
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x8138818:
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   len:  124
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   size: 125
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 47 45 54 20 2f 66 65 65   GET /fee
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 64 62 61 63 6b 2f 6e 65   dback/ne
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 75 63 61 72 65 5f 73 6d   ucare_sm
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 73 2e 6a 73 70 3f 6d 73   s.jsp?ms
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 69 73 64 6e 3d 25 32 42   isdn=%2B
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 39 37 39 37 39 31 30 37   97979107
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 26 74 65 78 74 3d 54 65   &text=Te
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 73 74 20 48 54 54 50 2f   st HTTP/
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 31 2e 31 0d 0a 48 6f 73   1.1..Hos
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 74 3a 20 32 30 32 2e 31   t: 202.1
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 37 32 2e 34 32 2e 31 37   72.42.17
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 37 3a 38 30 32 30 0d 0a   7:8020..
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65   User-Age
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 6e 74 3a 20 4b 61 6e 6e   nt: Kann
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 65 6c 20 31 2e 32 2e 30   el 1.2.0
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG:   data: 0d 0a 0d 0a               ....
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [8] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [7] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: message length 55, sending 1 messages
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [7] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: <-- OK
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: international starting with + (+97979107)
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: TP-Validity-Period: 24.0 hours
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: --> AT+CMGS=61^M
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: <-- >
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: send command status: 1
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: --> 0011000891797919700000A7375474D8BD06E5DF7517C859AE8FC3F232883A03A5E7A0FCBB2E07BDDDE5D69CFE8683E0E9369C5D06CDDFEC3A3DFD76BB00
2002-08-29 17:00:11 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: --> ^Z
2002-08-29 17:00:17 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: <-- >
2002-08-29 17:00:17 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: <-- +CMGS: 249
2002-08-29 17:00:17 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: <-- OK
2002-08-29 17:00:17 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS3]: send command status: 0


 Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

Actually - I would prefer to see the bearerbox log, where the driver logs the PDUs. I want to look at a pre-decoded PDU, preferably - one from the AT2 session and one from the AT session.
Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions
+972-9-9581711 (116)
Try as much as possible to be wholly alive,
with all your might, and when you laugh,
laugh like hell and when you get angry,
get good and angry. Try to be alive.
You will be dead soon enough.
     --William Saroyan

-----Original Message-----
From: Anarchy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:11 PM
Subject: RE: AT2 sender numbers.

it's the same regardless of whether unified-prefix is used:

unified-prefix = "+65,065,65"

from access.log:

2002-08-27 14:10:37 [4] INFO: Starting to service <keyword test> from <+9*******> to <1234>

from smsbox.log:

2002-08-27 14:10:37 Receive SMS [SMSC:] [SVC:] [ACT:] [from:+9*******] [to:1234] [flags:0:1:0:0:0] [msg:12:keyword test] [udh:0:]
2002-08-27 14:10:43 Sent SMS [SMSC:] [SVC:keyword] [ACT:] [from:13013] [to:+9*******] [flags:0:1:0:0:0] [msg:31:keyword test,******************
] [udh:0:]

it must be noted that this only happens for one of our operators.... we've tested at2 with another operator and it ran fine.... to summarise, this is what happens:

at with operator A - incoming msisdn from operator A has country code (with plus), incoming msisdn from other operators do not have country code, ok

at2 with operator A - incoming msisdn from operator A has country code (with plus), incoming msisdn from other operators do not have country code, ok

at with operator B - incoming msisdn from operator B has country code (with plus), incoming msisdn from other operators do not have country code, ok

at2 with operator B - incoming msisdn from operator B has country code (with plus), incoming msisdn from other operators do not have country code but have plus, not ok!

 Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

this is very weird. I'm currently using AT2 w/o any problem, for receiving messages from all providers. possibly you have a unified prefix that messes up the phone numbers, but this is inconsistant with the AT driver working.
Could you please send me some logs of messages being received by the AT2 module that exhibit this problem ?
Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions
+972-9-9581711 (116)
Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth's
surface relatively to other matter; second, telling other people to do so.
The first kind is unpleasant and ill-paid, the second is pleasant and highly paid.
 -- Bertrand Russell

-----Original Message-----
From: Anarchy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 2:08 PM
Subject: (no subject)

i recently started using the at2 modems group in my config and i notice that i'm not receiving some senders' number correctly... previously with the at smsc, the numbers from the local operators will either contain the country prefix with a plus  (+XXnnnnnnnn) or not at all....

however, with at2, numbers from operators other than the sim's will show up with a plus followed by the number itself (no country code, just +nnnnnnnn)... this is obviously incorrect and replies to such numbers are not possible....

the problem goes away when i switched back to at but since at is supposed to be obsolete, what gives? is this a bug or do i have to modify something like unified-prefix?

many thanks for any advice... i'm running 1.2.0 on mandrake 8.2 and my config is plain vanilla:

group = smsc
smsc = at
modemtype = wavecom
device = /dev/ttyS2

group = modems
id = wavecom
name = Wavecom
detect-string = "WAVECOM"

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