On Thu, 2010-03-11 at 23:41 +0000, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> You don't see a problem with breaking someone's application just because 
> they've installed an update to a stable release of Fedora? It's 
> obviously fine to do so when upgrading between releases, but within a 
> release it's just gratuitously irritating.

On F13, upgrade gnome-panel to version in updates-testing and you'll get
panel crashes almost immediately when tryign to start an application or
just logout of gnome.  Soo, if we were using rawhide, almost every gnome
user would be having crashes soon as they upgrade (minus the ones that
watch for breakage first before they upgrade).  Anyway, perfect example
to test first (cuz maintainer might have accidentily missed something),
and not just update straight to the branch.

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"Best lil town on Earth!"

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