On Tue, 2016-09-13 at 18:49 +0200, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
> If ABRT is a firehose of bugs flying to RH's bugzilla, would the
> situation be
> really better if the reports were sent to gnome's BZ?

Yes, it would. Keep in mind that upstream maintainers are responsible
for far fewer packages than Fedora maintainers. A busy GNOME maintainer
might maintain 2-5 packages upstream, but 20-50 Fedora packages (not
counting comaintainence, then we're talking hundreds). It's a lot
easier to look at crashes for 2-5 packages than 20-50 packages.

Now, it's not going to make things perfect. Some GNOME maintainers
don't look at upstream bugs either (but that's comparatively rare). And
many packages are just totally unmaintained. But for most components,
it would be a big improvement to file the bugs upstream where the right
maintainers will see it.

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