mån 2010-11-01 klockan 15:12 -0700 skrev Adam Williamson:

> This is a reasonable modification of the idea that an update should only
> require karma for one release (which would be nice if it were true but
> unfortunately isn't). In practice, though, there isn't much wiggle room
> for requiring 'less' karma. Non-critpath updates already require only
> one +1 to go through without the waiting time requirement. Critpath
> updates only require +1 from a proventester and +1 from any other tester
> (proven or not).

Right. I was mostly thinking about the autokarma I think. Not normally
doing pushes until after the waiting period. 

> I think I'd probably support the proposal that if a critpath update
> exists in identical form for multiple releases, and it has passed full
> critpath karma requirements for one release, it should require only +1
> from any tester on the other releases to go out.

Yes. From the same reasoning explained before. If it's provenly tested
in one release then chances are very high it works in the other releases
as well unless it doesn't work at all.


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