
On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 16:16 -0800, Garrett Holmstrom wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Thomas Spura <toms...@fedoraproject.org> 
> wrote:
> > On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 18:46:34 -0500
> > Jean-Marc Pigeon wrote:
> >>       rversion=2.1
> >>       subversion=400
> >>
> >>
> >>       Spec file extract:
> >>       Version: %{rversion}.%{subversion}
> >>       Release: 2%{?locmark}
> >>       Source: ...../%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
> >>
> >>       So the potential for disasters is real?
> >
> > It would help to know which package this is about. :)
> It looks like the "clement" package, whose maintainer should reread
> the packaging guidelines for packages with svn revisions as part of
> their e-v-r combinations.
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:NamingGuidelines#NonNumericRelease
        It look like you should have read my email :-)

        Let be straight and simple (package name doesn't
        matter here)

        1) Spec file say version: 1.2.3
        2) sources file say tar file: 1.0.0 
           "sources" as included in git and generated
           by fedpkg new-sources

        Koji build say, "compiling 1.2.3 everything fine"
        but rpm contents itself is build with 1.0.0

        This what I noticed this afternoon
        Possible?: yes/no

        What I am saying, if we push spec file forgetting
        about updating "sources" file with the new version
        number, we could have a version discrepancy
        between rpm number build by koji and actual 
        real contents.

        Is my question simple enough?



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A bientôt
Jean-Marc Pigeon                                   Internet: j...@safe.ca
SAFE Inc.                                          Phone: (514) 493-4280
                                                   Fax:   (514) 493-1946
        Clement, 'a kiss solution' to get rid of SPAM (at last)
           Clement' Home base <"http://www.clement.safe.ca";>

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