Adam Williamson <awilliam <at>> writes:

> That's really a policy decision for the GNOME / Fedora desktop teams,
> not for ajax.

Yeah, I got that bit. But I'm sure all you folks are in the know, so I asked.

> But based on what they've said in the past, I expect that once most
> hardware that previously needed the fallback mode is covered, fallback
> mode will die. AIUI, fallback mode isn't meant to be a GNOME
> 2-by-stealth for Shell refuseniks, it's purely an attempt to accommodate
> hardware which doesn't support Shell.

Right. OK, fair enough. Thanks for the info.

I guess for me, it's going to be either
"find-enough-extensions-to-never-see-overview-in-shell" or another desktop. Ah,


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