On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 23:09:12 -0700,
  Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-11-04 at 03:42 +0000, Bojan Smojver wrote:
> But based on what they've said in the past, I expect that once most
> hardware that previously needed the fallback mode is covered, fallback
> mode will die. AIUI, fallback mode isn't meant to be a GNOME
> 2-by-stealth for Shell refuseniks, it's purely an attempt to accommodate
> hardware which doesn't support Shell.

It does a pretty good job at providing a Gnome 2 look and feel. If it is low
cost to keep it working, it might be worth doing just for that.
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