On Tue, 2011-11-08 at 09:31 +1100, Bojan Smojver wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 14:33 +0100, Denys Vlasenko wrote:
> > You won't be able to convince Gnome3 zealots.
> That's a bit harsh, I think. They are just very impressionable folk. :-)
> > Believe me, a lot of people tried.
> I would like to believe that a rational argument eventually prevails.

This assumes that the choice of desktop is a purely rational one.
It is not. People are different. Gnome 3 crowd implemented Gnome 3
Shell to *their* own liking. It makes sense to *them*.

Apparently they did not consider that a large group of users was quite
happy with Gnome 2 desktop and did not need any revolutionary
reshuffling in that area.

They don't listen to our arguments. It's like talking to a wall.
I only hear endless "try it for a week, you'll like it" and "its the
progress, stupid". I think such attitude towards your user base is
arrogant and ultimately self-harming: users *will* change to
alternatives with less arrogant developer team. And I will not hesitate
to recommend that route to anyone who is pissed off by Gnome 3 Shell
disaster of the UI design.

> I have a lot years invested in Gnome, helped fix many bugs by diligently
> reporting problems, chasing traces etc. Don't want to throw all that
> away just because one aspect of one program is not done right.

Good luck then.


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