
I'm interested in helping out (comaintainer?), but I'm a little scared -
I don't know much about java yet, nor java packaging guidelines, or
whatever relevant guidelines, and I might need a little handholding.

Maybe you can give me something useful but not urgent that you need
done, that is easy for you to check if I did it right, and I can work on it?


On 11/22/2011 09:51 AM, Aleksandar Kurtakov wrote:
> Can I be added to the list of maintainers that need help very badly from the 
> beginning?
> I maintain a number of packages that are very low in the Java stack and would 
> force the whole Java stack to be removed if they are removed but noone wants 
> to maintain them.
> That's how I gained them! If such a policy is adopted it would be very bad 
> decision if there isn't a mechanism prior to that for maintainers to list 
> packages that they maintain to keep the distro integrity but don't care about 
> them personally. I bet that there would be a very big list of maintainers 
> that would list a number of there packages in this list.
> To give a better estimate - I'm owner of 69 packages(139 comaintainer) of 
> these I would like to maintain only 11 (eclipse*) packages but the rest is 
> crucial to something. The problem should be obvious now - I would like to 
> list this 58 packages as something I need help with. And to explain things 
> better - yes I do fix bugs when they arrive in this packages- but just a real 
> bugs (broken functionality, crashers, etc.) and let aside bugs asking for new 
> version update, new functionality, pony:) until I need them. It's volunteer 
> based effort and NOONE has the right to put more burden on packagers or you 
> will lose them. 
> And everyone stop telling the story about disappointed bug reporters, why 
> noone is saying about disappointed maintainers? My experience is quite the 
> opposite at least 7 out of 10 bug reports are from people that don't want to 
> help. I'm speaking for bug reports that stay needing info from reporters for 
> weeks and months before I close them as INSUFFICIENT_DATA. If a decision to 
> orphan packages is made a similar decision should be made to ban bugzilla 
> accounts that don't respond to information requests from maintainers. If a 
> packager is losing time for reporters if he doesn't respond, there are for 
> sure reporters that lose time of the packagers. In my case they lose me so 
> much time that I would have probably fixed some of the bugs that I haven't 
> responded to!!!
> Does the previous paragraph sounds right? HELL NO!! There should be an effort 
> to make more people help as much as they can (even if it's one day per year), 
> not an effort to put more burden on people that are already doing work.
> Pissed by the constant efforts to draw maintainers as lazy and non-responsive,
> Alexander Kurtakov
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kevin Fenzi" <ke...@scrye.com>
> To: devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 12:36:39 AM
> Subject: Re: Fedora clean up process seems to be seriously broken...
> On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 14:03:43 -0800
> Jesse Keating <jkeat...@j2solutions.net> wrote:
>> This has come up nearly every release cycle.  Problem is that nobody
>> can seem to agree on what an appropriate "sign of life" would be, no
>> has made a serious FESCo proposal for a contrived sign of life.
>> I don't think anybody disagrees (well maybe KKoffler) that
>> unmaintained software should be discovered and ejected from the
>> distro, the entirety of the problem lies how to discover (as well as
>> side issues about what to do about maintainers that are active for
>> one package, but completely ignore 3 others, etc…)
>> So if you are serious about wanting this fixed, draft a proposal,
>> figure out who's going to do the coding work, and bring it to FESCo.
> To quote Ajax: +!
> I think the current policy is not very ideal either, but haven't had
> time/energy to work out a new one. ;) 
> My last thought was to come up with a automated/script way to gather
> info from: bugzilla, pkgdb, koji, git, mailing lists, etc and output a
> list of 'likely inactive people'. Then, have a group of humans look at
> the list, and try and contact/ping people. With no reply after a
> timeperiod, orphan their packages. 
> Note that we need to balance here cases like: 
> * maintainer is very active, just ignoring $leafpackage right now. 
> * maintainer is on vacation/sick/etc
> * maintainer needs help, we should try and help them out. 
> * maintainer doesn't use our bugzilla as their primary bug zone. 
> * maintainer maintains a software that has a vast number of bugs and
>   they can't deal with them all. 
> * maintainer is working on higher priority bug, so ignoring feature
>   requests/etc. 
> Anyhow, I for one would welcome written up, concrete proposals here. 
> kevin

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