----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Schwendt" <mschwe...@gmail.com>
> To: devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 1:01:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Proposal for revitalizing the sponsorship process for packaging
> On Wed, 25 Apr 2012 17:03:25 -0500, JLTI (Jason) wrote:
> > For a while now I have been working on a proposal for some changes
> > to
> > both the way we elevate packagers to sponsors and what (to a small
> > extent) sponsors actually do.  Please note that this is not a
> > proposal
> > for any changes to how people are made members of the packager
> > group in
> > the first place and does not change the privileges of existing
> > sponsors.
> > 
> > My proposal is at
> > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Tibbs/RevitalizingSponsorshipProposal
> > 
> > I've run this by FESCo, whose response was favorable, so I'm
> > sending
> > this to a larger audience.  Please let me know what you think.
> There are a few unfortunate sections in the first paragraph already:
> | users have to go through an almost endless set of steps (which also
> | needs revision, but that's another topic)
> Compared with a few years ago there are many newbie-packagers, who
> apparently are not interested in the 'Packaging' related Wiki pages
> and
> not in the 'ReviewGuidelines' either.
> Such package[r]s in the review queue sit and wait for a reviewer to
> do
> __all__ the work including most basic tasks like running rpmlint or
> running a test-build. And that inspite of the Wiki documents being
> detailed and helpful enough nowadays ... compared with the brief
> QACheckList from ancient times. Things commented on by reviewers
> often are
> applied to a spec file only reluctantly, without proper/clear
> acknowledgement. A single "okay, I see" or "that makes sense" often
> would
> make a difference.
> With regard to 'mentoring', I favour people, who show better
> communication
> skills and who are more responsive. I appreciate feedback, even if
> somebody disagrees and wants to discuss the guidelines instead of
> simply
> applying a spec file fix. Worse, however, are those who start with
> Fedora
> criticism in either bugzilla or private mail (such as considering the
> guidelines as needless bureaucracy and finding fool language for that
> even). A negative point of view related to how Fedora does something
> is
> not motivating potential sponsors.
> A few years ago, when I received private mail from somebody about
> sponsorship, my reply would result in either a longer thread where to
> discuss something or in a short acknowledgement and work move into
> the review request. Nowadays, private mail mentions the wish to be
> sponsored, but communication stops at that point because pointing
> at the PackageMaintainers Wiki entry page apparently is considered
> too much homework for the people who mail me.
> | and then pin their hopes on a review ticket that, due to an
> | insufficient
> | number of active sponsors, may not get looked at in a reasonable
> | amount
> | of time.
> It's disappointing to see that your "activity report" does not cover
> activity in the review queue. I may be one of those, who has not
> sponsored
> anyone in the past year, but I post helpful (and detailed) review
> comments
> regularly and encounter inactive package submitters both in the
> normal
> queue and in the needsponsor queue. In the same way packagers cannot
> guarantee to return with a reply in less than 1-3 months, I cannot
> guarantee sponsoring somebody already with only a _single_ submitted
> package,
> where I have had to point at the Packaging Documentation multiple
> times.

I absolutely agree with this one. Not to mention that some of us might not do 
reviews/sponsorship at the same pace we do that in the past we are still very 
active in helping people doing there reviews, submit packages, update them 
through other channels - irc, mails, etc. And this is exactly what a sponsor is 
supposed to do. So this formal requirements are not correct. If someone wants 
to speed up the review process - we have to pay our technical debt. A gerrit 
like solution which checks the source rpm, build it, run rpmlint and add this 
as comments automatically so reviewers can fix their stuff prior to talking to 
a sponsor. And having an automated tool is great as people can not argue with 


> Also, I think it has become more important to be more careful about
> who to
> sponsor, because we are facing a growing number of orphans due to
> packagers leaving the project without notice, as well as packagers
> who
> grab N>1 packages in pkgdb without actually handling them properly in
> bugzilla (if at all).
> | Make some criteria that sponsors need to meet if they wish to
> | remain sponsors.
> Forcing sponsors to fulfill such criteria is the wrong way IMO. It
> may
> result in even more blanket-approval sponsorships.
> --
> Fedora release 17 (Beefy Miracle) - Linux 3.3.2-8.fc17.x86_64
> loadavg: 0.14 0.18 0.21
> --
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