Il 28 aprile 2012 19:02, Michael Schwendt <> ha scritto:
> On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 16:31:59 +1000, GG (Guido) wrote:
>> To go back to initial proposal of
>> revitalizing sponsor role, I think it would also be a good thing,
>> given that we leverage on new possible sponsor responsibilities
>> (ie, supervise new sponsorees' commits for X time after package
>> creation, not just step in when there is something to fix).
> That's no new responsibilities. Sponsors have always been expected to do
> that. With pkgdb, it requires "watch*" access to the packages. Else
> it requires subscribing to the scm-commits list and filtering by
> username/packagename. I've done that, and I've been aware of sponsors
> who have done that, too.

I wasn't aware of that; if it isn't a best practice, but a must do,
the wiki page should
be updated.

> The 'X time after package creation' has never been defined anywhere,
> and I don't think it would be a good idea to define it as a constant.
> The level of hand-holding varies a lot.
>> More sponsors should bring more control, not easier membership.
> Too vague. Please expand on that.

If this page is updated (I have no idea):*/sponsor?order_by=approval
the sponsors group has not grown as a function of packages, nor as a
function of package maintainers. Possibly because of the sponsor is a
provenpackager thing, possibly because that was meant as "we need X sponsors
to take care of the Y new maintainers requests we get each given time window".
If we intend the sponsor as a mentor and a supervisor instead, the
number of packages
of his sponsorees couldn't reasonably grow too big, or control would
be loosened.
But I am not saying that a sponsor should be turned to a forced
comaintainer for the
time being, either.

Hope this makes sense

Guido Grazioli <>
Via Parri 11 48011 - Alfonsine (RA) (Italy)
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