> Hi all,
> Yesterday night I noticed an IRC conversation on #fedora-desktop
> about this, and suggested that an actual window would be a lot
> better than a notification.
> Kalev, Matthias and the people there agreed with me, so I went
> ahead and wrote some code that does just that [1].
>  Screenshots can be found here [2] [3].
> I showed this today to Matthias and other people in the RH office,
> and the reception was good; people agree it's a good improvement over
> the
> proposed notification for F17.
> The text in the window comes from the result of this thread's
> discussion.
> What do you think?
> [1] https://github.com/cosimoc/fedora-welcome
> [2] http://i.imgur.com/8vRcO.png
> [3] http://i.imgur.com/gF0UJ.png

Cosimo, can you please make sure the whole window can be closed easily just by 
pressing the Escape key? That will help really help those of us who run LiveCDs 
many times per day, and it will not hurt other people in any way.
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