On May 8, 2012, at 10:43 AM, Przemek Klosowski wrote:

> It seems to me that the main objection against a prominent 'install to disk' 
> button is that it is not part of a normal desktop workflow---if someone would 
> just routinely use a Live CD, it seems rude to show them an irrelevant 
> 'install' button.

I agree, but I'm willing to let it go for F17. The one complaint I still have 
is that the window is really huge. I mean, it's taking up, what, 80% of the 
desktop real estate?

> A good time and place to offer an 'install' option might be on startup (e.g. 
> via  a notification popup), and on shutdown (by an 'install' menu option next 
> to 'reboot', and by another popup notifification 'you are about to shut down 
> the system; do you want to permanently install to disk?')

I dunno. I think if there are concerns by the anaconda team about the machine 
state for running from within a live session, that state is even less known on 
shutdown than on startup. I'd sooner encourage a reboot. Another reason why I 
prefer the options: Live vs Install, at either bootloader menu or login.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

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