On 10/31/2012 08:08 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
My concern at this point is exactly that we're "slipping a week at a
time", rather than facing up to the*undeniable fact*  that anaconda is
not close to being shippable.  If we don't have a workable contingency
plan, I think the best thing to do would be to start slipping a month at
a time.  And drop the beta-freeze restrictions, until we reach a point
where anaconda actually is beta quality.  Other people have work they
could usefully be getting done, except that they have to jump through
these beta-freeze hoops --- which not incidentally are slowing down
anaconda work too.  It's insane that we are wasting time debating
whether anaconda bugs are release blockers or beta blockers or only NTH,
when any honest evaluation would recognize that the whole thing hasn't
reached alpha quality yet, and*all*  those bugs had better get fixed if
we don't want F18 to permanently damage the reputation of Fedora.

You can slip a month (or two) honestly, or you can fritter it away a
week at a time, and ensure that as much of that time is unproductive as
possible.  There is not a third option.  (Brooks'_Mythical_Man-Month_
has useful things to say about this sort of scheduling trap --- anybody
who hasn't read it should.)

Had I any say in the matter I would have strongly urged to not enter the beta freeze when we did. I also think it's counter-productive to getting things in shape, and mostly just makes a lot of people hate Anaconda because it's keeping the freeze going.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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