On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 8:32 PM, Adam Williamson  wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-02-04 at 20:14 -0500, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
>> >
>> > You're a new Linux user, you go to our download page, and instead of a
>> > simple big green Download button, it starts asking you questions about
>> > what 'desktop environment' you want?
>> >
>> As I said earlier in this thread, and as the Fedora Board ratified
>> (link given in my previous post), this is not the type of the user
>> base we are targeting. There is a perfect distro for such users, and
>> its called Ubuntu.
> Sorry, but I don't agree with your interpretation of the Board's list:

Okay, that's fair. I respect your interpretation

> - Voluntary Linux consumer
> - Computer-friendly
> - Likely collaborator
> - General productivity user
> Which of those screams 'will clearly be familiar with the concepts of
> 'desktop environment', 'KDE', and 'GNOME' to you?

The combination of all of the above 4 screams to me that the target
user base shall be:
- capable of comprehend some short documentation and make a decision
on what could be the best candidate to fit in his workflow, if not
"already familiar with the concepts of  'desktop environment 'KDE',
and 'GNOME'"

The documentation can include some nice and fancy screenshots and
demonstrations as Jon proposed.

The user should also be informed that the choice is not final, and the
DE can be switched after the installation via package manager.
Does the current webpage indicate this somewhere? I could not see it.
Note that this is a side-topic, and can be discussed exclusively on
its own.

> 'Voluntary Linux consumer' doesn't mean they *already know about Linux*,
> just that they have chosen to go out and try Fedora of their own accord.
> So far as I can see, the classic 'been using Windows and poking around
> for a while, read a news article about this Linux thing, wants to try it
> out' person meets those requirements just fine. This person does not
> know what a 'KDE' is.

Then tell him.

Honestly, what kind of benefit to the community do you expect from a
user who gets confused just by looking at a couple nice screenshots
and reading some brief explanation? Have you ever met such a person
(incapable of understanding two sentences but useful to the
community)? Don't you think regarding your users this way a tad

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