On Feb 21, 2014, at 1:20 PM, Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:

> It would probably be a Very
> Good Idea to get everyone with an interest - at least anaconda team, the
> product WGs (except possibly Cloud, depending on whether they intend to
> use anaconda in their deliverables at all), base WG, and fesco -
> together in some way to talk about it. devconf would've been great but
> it already happened. Flock would be great but it's too late. Should we
> try to set up some kind of special meeting / list / etherpad /
> wikipage / *something* where we can all talk it over?

Yes, please.

> Yet the installer design doesn't really communicate in any way that some
> paths through 'non-custom' install are more tested/reliable than others

Yes. Any many more paths through custom aren't tested, and likewise users don't 
know this.

Also my original estimate of 80 testable outcomes through Automatic/guided path 
is for single device. Anaconda permits selection of  multiple devices in this 
path. Therefore it's 160 testable outcomes with 2 devices.

The current four Partition Scheme choices have technical arguments for and 
against, but ultimately none significantly outweigh any other for the intended 
audience for this path, and it's non-obvious why the user would pick one versus 

Option A: Eliminate the Partition Scheme pop-up menu. There is one recommended 

Option B: Make the pop-up useful with Personas/Workload/Use Case options. Those 
selections cause a particular recommended layout to be used, layouts that are 
already tested via the Manual/custom partitioning path anyway because QA knows 
of certain commonly used layouts that really need to work. And also reduces 
dependency on custom partitioning

These aren't mutually exclusive, Option A could be implemented in the short 
term, and Option B later, and even expanded as well tested recommended paths 
"graduate" to the Guided listing.

> and the question of variant anacondas (whether any of the Products
> actually wants one, and if so, whether that's actually viable) pretty
> soon.

I agree it needs to be decided soon. I don't have an opinion which way it 
should go.

Option B above suggests Server and Workstation could have different Use Case 
options. I don't think it's necessary to have actual separate anacondas. A 
single anaconda package could permit variants. Depending on how the products 
are selected by the user:

At download time as unique media: anaconda is launched with a flag e.g. 
--server or --workstation or --cloud, that causes it to have the appropriate 
variant behavior. 

Within the installer UI: as a spoke within the hub, likewise causes the 
installer to be varied.

Post-install: doesn't require variation of the installer at all. Treat the 
installer strictly as a means of getting Fedora booting successfully. Shave the 
ice, then flavor it.

Chris Murphy
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