Changes in build 2201 from build: 2200

Size delta: 0.00M

-sugar-journal 94-2.200807015git814c37616b.fc9
+sugar-journal 95-1.fc9
-libabiword 1:2.6.4-4.olpc3
+libabiword 1:2.6.4-5.olpc3
-sugar 0.81.6-4.20080715git8137d5c37f.fc9
+sugar 0.81.7-1.fc9
-sugar-presence-service 0.81.3-1.olpc3
+sugar-presence-service 0.81.4-1.fc9
-sugar-toolkit 0.81.6-3.20080715gitd17347cc19.fc9
+sugar-toolkit 0.81.7-1.fc9

--- Changes for sugar-journal 95-1.fc9 from 94-2.200807015git814c37616b.fc9 ---
  + 7152 journal slowness: scrolling
  + 3958 Journal activity icon's pencil "fools" people into thinking it is a 
text editor
  + 6639 Journal can't resume activity bundles using another activity
  + 7441 no visual feedback on Erase
  + 7487 Do not decorate the object chooser
  + 7482 Object chooser has wrong icon for 'cancel'

--- Changes for sugar 0.81.7-1.fc9 from 0.81.6-4.20080715git8137d5c37f.fc9 ---
  + 7546 Activity launcher fails to show when launching from the journal
  + 5664 Copying formatted text out of Browse breaks Journal/clipboard 
  + 7385 Change the accelerator for switching between views in the home level
  + 7249 Device ordering in Frame is not fixed
  + 7510 Control Panel 'About Me' incorrectly keeps a name edit when you choose 
to Cancel out
  + 7071 Activities cannot be deleted via GUI
  + 4208 Battery indicator's icon fullness inconsistent with indicator %.
  + 7430 Favorites view is not preserved
  + 7434 Control panel UI for power management.

--- Changes for sugar-toolkit 0.81.7-1.fc9 from 
0.81.6-3.20080715gitd17347cc19.fc9 ---
  + 5136 Keep error alert hard to find
  + 6014 Shutdown should sync activities data
  + 7532 install + open content bundles with journal
  + 7523 library index regeneration fails due to no XDG_DATA_DIRS
  + 4208 Battery indicator's icon fullness inconsistent with indicator %.
  + 7444 cannot close a shared activity when the initiator has disconnected
  + 7430 Favorites view is not preserved
  + 7434 Control panel UI for power management.
  + 5079 Could simplify sharing code

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