On 01/04/2018 12:54 PM, Gary E. Miller via devel wrote:
> functional tests are run on the code in many different locations.

This concern is valid. Can you provide examples of what sort of tests
are run?

For example, within the build tree is fine:
./waf check

Specifically, which commands are run for this:

> After the package
> is built, several saanity checks are made to the results of the build.

> Any paths embedded in the results may result in breakage.  A trivial and
> very obvious way to manage any embedded paths is required.

It either breaks or it doesn't. Saying "may result in breakage"
indicates you haven't actually tested this.

Please test the actual code in the relevant situation and show the results.

I'd like to again reiterate that tons of packages embed prefix and
similar paths in their build products.

$ strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpurple.so.0 | grep /usr

Please explain how Pidgin works on Gentoo, but NTPsec can't.

> Some Gentoo fans do things in an even more complicated way.  The results
> of the above described build, instead of being installed in the local
> system, are installed in yet another sandbox.  The contents of that
> sandbox are then all rolled up into a tar file.  That tar file can
> then be copied to other hosts and installed into any of the usual
> locations (/usr, /usr/local, ~/, etc.).

Agreed. This is how binary distro packages work.

> Once again, any paths embedded in the results may result in breakage.

It doesn't result in breakage, I promise. For evidence, see the fact
that the Debian NTPsec package works right now.

> One can not merely embed the final paths in the files as the
> final paths can not be known at build time

The final paths *are* available at build time. I know that I intend to
install to /usr, so I set --prefix=/usr. This is not complicated, nor
specific to NTPsec.


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