On 21/2/20 3:20 am, Gedare Bloom wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 12:58 AM Thomas Doerfler
> <thomas.doerf...@embedded-brains.de> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just want to speak up here. I talked with Sebastian today and I really
>> tend to keep the license text in each file.
>> Rational:
>> - With the BSD license, anyone can pick any file from the RTEMS repo and
>> use/modify it in any project (and this is fine). The original authors
>> (and their copyright) are listed in the file, but the only pointer to
>> the legal part is the "SPDX identifier". I am not sure whether this is a
>> legally binding "tag" and whether this tag is clear to any user.
>> - Strictly seen, it is not even forbidden to remove the "SPDX
>> identifier", because it is not part of the BSD-2-clause-license, it's
>> just a pointer to it. In the end we might result in code drifting around
>> without license information, which we all do not want to see.
> This is a valid point. I also have no desire to be a lawyer.
> My intuition here is that, even without any licensing information at
> all in individual files, one can still apply a single license to an
> entire repository, e.g., BSD or GPL. For historical reasons, and
> similar arguments as you've made, BSD-style licenses have tended to be
> copy-pasted to individual files to make them easier to excerpt. We
> don't have license uniformity, so we do need to individually specify
> which license(s) apply to each file.

This makes sense. The simplified BSD license states ...

 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

I do not see how we can centralise this and have the "above copyright" work?
Also the SPDX site here ...


... under the heading "Standard license headers" states ...

 When a license defines a recommended notice to attach to files
 under that license (sometimes called a "standard header"), the SPDX
 project recommends that the standard header be included in the files,
 in addition to an SPDX ID.

My reading of this means we should include the license in the source.

We need to consider compliance and machine auditing of the source. The SPDX tag
is important. Maybe ...

 * SPDX tag suff
 * Copyright stuff
 * 2-Clause BSD license

> Linux follows a similar philosophy as Sebastian suggests. I think we
> can also follow Linux in this regards.
> https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/process/license-rules.html
> I would suggest we follow their approach to self-document the licenses
> centrally. I suspect the risk of someone using code without adhering
> to the license is no greater. Probably they have a higher risk
> exposure than we do!

I agree with the comments in the Linux license rules text about license text in
files making it harder to check for compliance.


>> As you all know I am not a lawyer (and don't want to be), but my gut
>> say's the extra lines in the top of each file are worth their storage.
>> And anybody opening a RTEMS source file (even when it has been taken to
>> a different project) should see what he has.
>> ---------
>> If you have different reasons to replace the header and just leave the
>> identifier I a will go with it and it's fine for me. But my tendency
>> is... leave it in.
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas.
>> Am 20.02.20 um 08:30 schrieb Sebastian Huber:
>>> Hello,
>>> On 18/02/2020 16:58, Gedare Bloom wrote:
>>>>>>> I suggest to use a master COPYING file and use file headers without
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> full license text.
>>>>>>> https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2018-December/024198.html
>>>>>> It would be nice to get some feedback here.
>>>>> I'm generally ok with just the spdx and copyright statements.
>>>> I'm also fine with the master COPYING, spdx-tag, and individual
>>>> copyrights in files.
>>>> I should make a note to take a pass over "my" files to relicense them.
>>>> Does anyone have any script/tools for making that easy?
>>> I talked with Thomas and he is not in favour of a removal of the licence
>>> text. Not everyone knows what an SPDX-Licence-Identifier is and that
>>> this means the file is covered by the reference license. The
>>> BSD-2-Clause license text is quite clear and not long. For us it is
>>> important that it is very clear that our contributions are without
>>> warranties and so on. This information should be also clear if files are
>>> transferred out of the RTEMS context to other projects.
>> --
>> --------------------------------------------
>> embedded brains GmbH
>> Thomas Doerfler
>> Dornierstr. 4
>> D-82178 Puchheim
>> Germany
>> email: thomas.doerf...@embedded-brains.de
>> Phone: +49-89-18 94 741-12
>> Fax:   +49-89-18 94 741-09
>> PGP: Public key available on request.
>> For our privacy statement, see
>> https://embedded-brains.de/en/data-privacy-statement/
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