On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 07:50:18PM -0800, Eric Wittry wrote:
>I have spent some time in vmodes.c, and now think that I mostly understand
>how to derive the HDisplay, HTotal, VDisplay, and VTotal values from the
>code.  However, there is one element of the code that is really throwing
>me for a loop.  

>While I missed all of this the first time around, it seems pretty
>reasonable, save for Step #2.  Anything the driver does to a give argument
>before sending it to the hardware, the hardware is likely going to have to
>reverse to use the value, even if only conceptually.  In the case of the
>driver dividing by 8, the hardware will have to multiply by 8.  However,
>it is trivial, from a hardware perspective, to hardwire the video chip to
>multiply a given argument by 8.  
>On the other hand, it is far less trivial to hardwire the video chip to
>add 1 to an argument, which the hardware would have to do to reverse what
>we currently do at Step #2.  This is not to say that it is impossible that
>the hardware adds 1 to the values we pass, just that it strikes me as
>extremely unlikely.  Am I wrong to be skeptical?  

Yes.  Don't try to apply too much analysis to how hardware registers
are programmed.  In the old days it was probably a tradeoff between
making best use of the available register space and how the register
values were applied.  For modern hardware, these things are dwarfed
by the complexity of other components of the video chips.

Nevertheless, subtracting 1 makes sense if you consider the counting
starts at 0, not 1, so counting from 0 to N - 1 results in N clock
periods.  Division by 8 for horizontal timings is because the
programmed values traditionally represent 8-pixel wide characters.
You might feel better if you look at vgahw/vgaHW.c, specifically
the vgaHWInit() function, which handles the register setup for
generic VGA-compatible hardware.  On the other hand you may find
more oddities there than you'd expect, including some other
subtractions that I'm not going to attempt to explain, and some
values scattered over multiple registers.  The timing registers
for the rendition chips look sane by comparison :-)

I don't know if the register specs for the rendition chips are
available anywhere, but you'd probably find them useful and

For general VGA-compatible registers, the specs for almost any
VGA-compatible video chipset will include a section that covers

David Dawes
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