On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 06:54:04PM -0500, James Harris wrote:
>The CVS version of XFree SEGVs on FreeBSD-4.8 and DragonFly-CURRENT on 
>my Asus A7V8X-VM (VIA KM400 using on board video). This happens after 
>switching to a graphics mode but before the cross hatching. Also, I'm 
>using a old monitor that doesn't do DDC.
>It seems (even with the patched gdb for loadable modules and building 
>with -g, I couldn't get symbol names in modules) the crash happens on 
>line 8184 in via_bios.c (in VIAFindModeUseBIOSTable()):
>pBIOSInfo->UserSetting->DefaultSetting = FALSE;
>Thing is, I don't see where UserSetting is ever allocated! The attached 
>patch allocates it in VIAGetRec() in via_driver.c.

Hmm, that was supposed to be fixed, but you're right -- it isn't.  I'll
commit that fix, plus add a line to free it in VIAFreeRec().


David Dawes
developer/release engineer                      The XFree86 Project
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