Damien Curtain writes:
> M wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm trying to develop an e-smith firewall add-on package.
> If you look on freshmeat.net youll find a very usefull firewall script
> called ipchains-firewall.

Hi Damien,

Thanks for the info. It looks like a very usefull script. I will certainly
use parts of it but I don't think it's suitable for e-smith the way it is.
I want to have a firewall that's totally configurable through the web.
I have made some script which can build a firewall from little modules
I wrote. For example when I want spoof protection on interface eth1 I
tell my script to load module antispoof on eth1. When I want to restrict
external access to my ftp-server, I write a module my_ftp-server and tell
the script to load it on the external interface.
My idea is to create a web interface which let's you create/modify modules,
and let's you assign them to the available interfaces.

Best regards,

Matthijs van der Klip

[ visit my e-smith page - http://www.bibber.net/esmith ]

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