I've used the suggestions in this thread (from earlier this month) to set 
up ProxyPass to enable access to Webmail via an e-smith gateway to my 
internal e-smith server (both 4.1 with upgrades applied).

I seem to have a response from the internal server - Webmail is active and 
accessible on the LAN, but the page returned (from external to the e-smith 
LAN) tells me that Webmail over HTTP is disabled, with the "If you have an 
SSL enabled browser and would like to access webmail over an SSL 
connection, please click here." link on the page pointing to the internal 
server ( - with no trailing slash). The 
displayed page however is also missing the two gifs ("e-smith manager" & 
"banner") it should be presenting.

I assume therefore that I have missed some configuration step additional to 
those outlined in the thread (e.g. for content presentation in Rob Adams' 
message). I would appreciate any assistance from those who've ploughed this 
furrow before.


At 20:16 12/3/2001, you wrote:
>Just to follow up I tried this myself I created:
>and had it contain:
># Implement ProxyPass to enable to corporate web stuff
># to reside on the IIS server (not MY choice) on
>#  (Rob Adams 12 Mar 2001
><IfModule mod_proxy.c>
>ProxyPass /corporate/
>ProxyPassReverse /corporate/
>Did the expand template magic , the restart magic and voila, it works as

Des Dougan

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