On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 10:12:10PM -0800, Des Dougan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've used the suggestions in this thread (from earlier this month) to set 
> up ProxyPass to enable access to Webmail via an e-smith gateway to my 
> internal e-smith server (both 4.1 with upgrades applied).
> I seem to have a response from the internal server - Webmail is active and 
> accessible on the LAN, but the page returned (from external to the e-smith 
> LAN) tells me that Webmail over HTTP is disabled, with the "If you have an 
> SSL enabled browser and would like to access webmail over an SSL 
> connection, please click here." link on the page pointing to the internal 
> server ( - with no trailing slash). The 

For starters, an invalid URL such as the one above will cause a redirect
header to be sent from the Apache server. This might be the first
indication of trouble. You'll need to ensure that the redirect happens
in the right context -- that is, that the server being proxied handles
the redirect, not the proxying server.

> I assume therefore that I have missed some configuration step additional to 
> those outlined in the thread (e.g. for content presentation in Rob Adams' 
> message). I would appreciate any assistance from those who've ploughed this 
> furrow before.

Rob's ProxyPass directives use a virtual directory as the base URL below
which all requests will be passed on to the proxied server. If the
proxied content contains root-relative URLs (like, say, a reference to
the /images directory) the proxying server will attempt to resolve this
URL in the context of its own resources. If it cannot find the resource,
it will return a 404 header instead. 

I'll repeat something I might not have emphasised adequately before:

The simplest way to ProxyPass a resource is to do so via a virtual
server, so that *all* requests from the root directory on down are
proxied. If you don't do this, you'll have to deal with the possibility
of name space collisions -- and you'll have to ensure that any other
URLs at or above that level in the hierarchy are also ProxyPass'ed.

Let's use Rob's case as an example:

> ># Implement ProxyPass to enable to corporate web stuff
> ># to reside on the IIS server (not MY choice) on
> >#  (Rob Adams 12 Mar 2001
> >#
> >
> ><IfModule mod_proxy.c>
> >ProxyPass /corporate/
> >ProxyPassReverse /corporate/
> ></IfModule>

In this case, any URL in the proxied content that starts with
/corporate/ will be properly proxied by the proxying server. Any URL at
or above that level in the hierarchy (for example, /cgi-bin/foo.cgi)
will *not* be proxied, unless the proxying server has another set of
ProxyPass Directives:

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
        ProxyPass /corporate/
        ProxyPassReverse /corporate/
        # Add proxying for /cgi-bin/ as well
        ProxyPass /cgi-bin/
        ProxyPassReverse /cgi-bin/

As you can see from the example, this can create some interesting
name space conflicts. Typically, we'd want to be able to access the
/cgi-bin directory on both servers. 

As a solution, you can either use a virtual host as the proxying
resource (see above) or you can create an alias with a unique name on
the proxied server:

        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /path/to/scripts/directory/
        ScriptAlias /proxied-cgi-bin/ /path/to/scripts/directory/

Then in the proxied content you'd have to use the second alias in all
references to the resources contained therein.

As you can see, it's far easier use the ProxyPass* directives in
conjunction with a virtual server.

Hope this helps,

Dan McGarry, e-smith, Inc.
http://www.e-smith.com/     http://www.e-smith.org/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        +1 613-368-4374

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