We currently add the following to httpd.conf when we add a domain
through the manager:

        ServerName      www.{domain}
        ServerAlias     {domain} *.{domain}

So, if you add foo.com, you get

        ServerName      www.foo.com
        ServerAlias     foo.com *.foo.com

Then, when you then add sub.foo.com, you also get:

        ServerName      www.sub.foo.com
        ServerAlias     sub.foo.com *.sub.foo.com

And the second entry is not seen as it matches the wildcard (actually,
the order of the entries is undefined). We could do some trickery to
add the wildcards later in httpd.conf, but it's very ugly and further
expands httpd.conf

I propose that we drop the wildcards. e-smith already provides the
facility to map as many domains as you wish to any i-bays you wish, so
it is just a matter of adding another domain mapping through the
manager to support another subdomain.

You also need to set up DNS for the new domain to point to the server
and you must explicitly accept domains for mail, so it seems
reasonable to do so for web as well.

Is anyone making use of these wildcards in a way which cannot be
catered for by simply adding another domain through the manager? If
so, could you provide details?


  Gordon Rowell                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  http://www.e-smith.org (development)  http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
  Phone: +1 (613) 564 8000 ext. 4378    Fax: +1 (613) 564 7739
  e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

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