> refraze of previous question.  how do windows pc's connect to ibay shares
> that are on a local network,  the windows pc's authenticate to a NT domain
> controller.  I can not find any info on this in the developers
> past emails,
> or the forum.  the e-smith machine is in standalone mode.  and I
> cant change
> every pc to plain text passwords that need to connect to this
> box.  It will
> be our web site for internal use.

as far as I see, you can't do this with changes (for Samba) through
E-smith's web interface. You will have to make changes in the smb.conf
template (make a custom template).

Mainly you will have to start by changing the "security = user" to "security
= domain" + (at least) to set the "domain controller =". There might be more
changes necessary which you should find in Samba's documentation. There are
section's about NT domain, etc.

Hope that helps.

Michael Doerner

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