> Dan Elkins put a great post on the General discussion forum re direct ibay
> mapping to the files subdirectory
> http://www.e-smith.org/bboard/read.php?f=1&i=3950&t=3931.  I
> think this is a
> great idea.  What do you all think?

Hi Darrell,

OK, I'll throw in my workaround for that which is nowadays slightly
different from Dan's. Dan helped me in the early days with his solution,
Thanks again for that!

To be able to use an ibay as a "mappable drive" for windows clients, ideally
that ibay would need an additional attribute for that during creation.
I am no programmer and I couldn't go into the coding and change the
structure of '/home/e-smith/accounts' (that's were I believe this attribute
needs to be). So I created my workaround by using the first 3 characters of
the ibay's name (=description). If the description starts with the string
"SH_" (~ share), the share name will point straight to the "files"
Therefore, I added the following code to my customised "90ibays" template:

... cut ...
   $result .= "[$key]\n";
            $result .= "   comment = $properties{'Name'}\n";
          # added modification (MDO)
            if (substr($properties{'Name'},0,3) eq 'SH_')
            $result .= "   path = /home/e-smith/files/ibays/$key/files\n";
            $result .= "   path = /home/e-smith/files/ibays/$key\n";
          # end modification
            $result .= "   read only = no\n";
            $result .= "   writable = yes\n";
... cut ...

Just another approach.

Michael Doerner

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