_Executive Summary_
Config: 4.1beta2-1
Problem: minor doco problem on cgi-bin output for creating info bays.

I have e-smith-4.1beta2-1, no updates.

I wanted to create an information bay to make it easy to get admin type
files (rpms, server logs, etc) onto, and off of, the server. I had
previously added two information bays - both worked fine based on
limited testing.

Using the web interface, I tracked through to the page labelled "Create
a new information bay".

I called my information bay e.smith.admin, proceeded on, and got an
error page:

Operation status report

Error: information bay name "e.smith.admin" is too long. The maximum is
12 characters.

This should be made obvious from the page before. However the page
before states:
The information bay name should contain only lower-case letters,
numbers, periods, and underscores, and should start with a lower-case
letter. For example "johnson", "intra", and "client3.project12" are all
valid names, but "3associates", "John Smith" and "Bus-Partner" are not.

This is somewhat misleading, since "client3.project12" is not a valid

Suggest suitable text could be:
The information bay name may be up to 12 characters long and may contain
only lower-case letters, numbers, periods, and underscores, and should
start with a lower-case letter. For example "johnson", "intra", and
"client3.prj8" are all valid names, but "3associates", "John Smith",
"client3.project12" and "Bus-Partner" are not valid names.


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