I am having two problems.

1.  e-mail retreival in the web-manager does not seem to change anything.  I
hade to edit the template manually to get the correct file in
/etc/fetchmail.  I of course copied the template into
/etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/fetchmail and edited them there.  I
actually set it up to fetch mail from two accounts.  It works great as long
as I execute fetchmail manually.  I was unable to set it up to check at a
regular interval.  This could be done from the web manager bvut as I
mentioned, it does not seem to change anything.  Where can I change this
manually?  Is it in the cron?  I did notice that e-smith is not using
fetchmail as a deamon?  Is that the problem? should I modify the template to
to say

/usr/bin/fetchmail -d 300 --syslog --fetchmailrc - <<EOF

instead of

/usr/bin/fetchmail --syslog --fetchmailrc - <<EOF

If this is the case, it need to be updated.

2.  I am running a bulletin board on a virtual domain called Web Crossing.
It allows users to to post messages in forums, chat, etc.  I can create
users or let them self register on the BB without ever having to create an
account for them on e-smith.  They do not exist outside the context of the
BB.  I set the smtp to listen on a different port than 25 so it will not
interfer with my "regular" users.  I attemped to forward e-mail recieved on
the virtual domain to the port WebX is using by putting this line in the


where 26 is the port WebX is listening on.

Unfortunately, the e-mail is not forwarded to WebX.  It is sent to the local
user account if one matches or to admin if none is found.  Anyone have any

Thanks in advance.

Tim Bynum

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