
Me again with some misc ramblings. These are from 4.1beta2 in a server only no
Internet mode. (my apologies to all those who are testing beta3, mine should
arrive sometime today in the mail. However, I have checked the beta3 status page
and did not see anything addressing the following issues).

1. In the current beta manual, section 5.3 mentions the removal of the e-smith
prefix from domain names. However, in section 7.4, it mentions setting up your
email client with the e-smith prefix. Should these be consistent, or is this an
option? Either way, it should be clarified.

2. In the manual in section 11.2, it mentions the creation of groups. It should
be mention that when creating a group, at least one user must be assigned, or
the software returns an error.

3. In the manual in section 11.1, the URL for a user's password is shown as
existing without the e-smith prefix. This relates to item 1, in that it needs to
be made consistent. Currently on my machine such access does not work unless you
specify the e-smith prefix.

4. In the manual, in section 13.7, the e-smith prefix issue comes up again. I am
unable to access the ftp site ftp.mycompany.com. I must use

5. Relating again to the prefix, I am unable to access www.mycompany.com. I must
use www.e-smith.mycompany.com. I know I have mentioned this before, and it was
addressed, but I am still unsure of this behavior. Even though the box is in
server only mode with no internet access, shouldn't clients on the network still
be able to see www.mycompany.com? Please forgive if this seems like a stupid
question, I just want to be clear. I understand that when the e-smith box is
connected to the internet it will use the root nameservers on the internet and
then the names should work. I just want to make sure I haven't missed something.

6. When creating a virtual domain, the new domain is not accessible until httpd
is restarted (learned the hard way that you cannot issue just a service httpd
restart. Guess it pays to check the status page :) Once accessible, the e-smith
prefix issue still comes into play. (Unless I am just smoking something when it
comes to item 5).

7. While on the subject of i-bays, modifying permissions doesn't take effect
until httpd is restarted. Once accessible, changing the permissions to access
via Internet with password fails, even after resetting the password. In relation
to this, in the manual at the beginning of chapter 13, the screenshot of the
webpanel for ibay creation states that if an ibay shows up in red, the password
has not yet changed from the default. What is the default, if any? If none, it
should be stated.

8. Again, on the subject of the manual, Chapter 16 lists the additional software
installed as MySQL, PHP, and Taper. However, back in 1.3.6, only PHP and MYSQL
are listed.

Just my observations. YMMV.

Also, please don't think I am being critical of the outstanding work e-smith has
done. I just really admire the product and want to help make it as bug-free as
possible. I focus on the documentation because that is what I used to do for a
living :)


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