Dan Brown wrote:

>   /etc/e-smith/events/actions/machine-account-create machine-create foo
> [root@e-smith home]# /etc/e-smith/events/actions/machine-account-create
> Rufus
> machinename argument missing at
> /etc/e-smith/events/actions/machine-account-create line 45.

        Oops, duh, I left out the "machine-create" bit of that command line. 
OK, fixed that.  The error I got this time was:

[root@e-smith /etc]# /etc/e-smith/events/actions/machine-account-create
machine-create Rufus
passwd: Unknown user name 'Rufus'
Could not lock password for Rufus

        I edited the machine-account-create script, line 63, to read:

system("/usr/bin/passwd", "-l", "$machineName\$")

        (adding the \$ after $machineName).  This takes care of that error, but
I still can't connect to the domain with my Win2k box.  I'm going to
Identification Changes, selecting Domain and entering the
domain/workgroup name, then clicking OK.  When it asks for the "name and
password of an account with permission to join the domain", I enter the
machine name (with and without the $ on the end) with no password.  When
I enter the machine name without the $, I get an error of "The procedure
number is out of range", and the log file records the following error:

[2001/04/18 19:54:38, 1] smbd/password.c:pass_check_smb(492)
  Couldn't find user 'rufus' in UNIX password database.

        When I try with the $, Windoze gives me "Logon failure: unknown user
name or bad password", and the log file records:

[2001/04/18 19:55:42, 0] smbd/reply.c:session_trust_account(461)
  session_trust_account: Trust Account Rufus$ - password failed

        I've been using a mixed-case name, as you may have noticed--is that a
problem, or not?  Samba seems to be logging it as all lower-case.

"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy
and taste good with ketchup."

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