Just a few more noticed tidbits (this is on beta2, not sure if these apply to

* When creating an I-bay, the web panel makes no mention of the twelve character
limitation to an I-bay name, nor does it mention that an I-Bay cannot have the
same name as a group or user. The documentation does mention the 12 character
limit, but again does not mention the potential conflict with existing users or

* When adding printers, lpd is not restarted, so printer is not visible. Manual
restart required. (I think I mentioned this before, but can't remember. Checked
the status page and did not see a reference)

* The documentation does not make specific refernce to the Primary i-bay created
by default, nor it current permissions. I was able to figure that out of course,
but it never hurts to document :)

* When trying to create an I-bay called "public", I was informed that an I-bay
already existed with that name. I am assuming this is also the Pirmary I-bay,
but can someone clarify?

Anyway, just my two cents for today, my apologies if these have already been
fixed in beta3....my beta3 CD-R from cheapbytes is already on the way :)


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