On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Darrell May wrote:

> I'd like to revisit the secure webadmin issue brought up previously.
> With 4.1.1 I find I can not access the e-smith-manager over an SSH tunnel
> externally.  No problem creating the tunnel and forwarding port 980.
> I'm using TTSSH.  When browsing I receive the message
> "You are not authorized to view this page" in IE 5.5.1.
> I'm running in server and gateway mode with static IP.  I have enabled:
> Secure shell (ssh) access:  Public  
> Allow administrative command line access over ssh:  yes  
> Allow ssh access using standard passwords:  yes  
> Telnet access:  No access
> Allow administrative command line access over telnet:  no
> SSH access to the e-smith-manager works fine locally on the LAN side.
> Any thoughts?  Is this working for anyone?

Works for me. I can set up an ssh tunnel from my desktop box here in
Ottawa to your e-smith box in Vancouver.

    ssh darrell -L 9898:localhost:980

You have 3 users, 1 group, 1 virtual domain, no printers, etc etc etc.

I'm using Netscape Communicator 4.76 running under RedHat 6.2.

It also works with lynx 2.8.3-2 under Redhat 6.2.

Perhaps it is an issue with IE 5.5.1.

PS For the rest of you, Darrell kindly gave me access to this box so
that I could do remote testing with IDE tape drives. I did NOT use any
e-smith back doors - there aren't any.

Peter Samuel                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.e-smith.org (development)    http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398                  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

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