On Mon, 8 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> After adding a network printer, the LPD daemon and SMB daemon were not
> restarted. Printer was not viewable on the network until manual restart.


> During a fresh install for server only mode, the default gateway
> address offered is, while the default server IP is
> Now, I know I am doing a server only install, but even if
> I was not, shouldn't the example default gateway be on the same
> subnet? (Or I am missing something obvious :)

No, you're not missing something, that should be changed, and will be for
4.1b3, which will be out this week. You'll notice a lot of changes in the

> On the review configuration page in the browser, the start and ending DHCP
> ranges are not listed (they are blank)


> When creating a user account, the web page makes no mention of what
> the default password is.

There isn't one - the account is locked. This will be made clear in 4.1b3.

> It does mention that the account will show in red until the password
> is changed, but does not mention what it is. The documentation states
> (at least the 4.1 beta docs) that the accounts are locked until they
> are reset. Maybe re-affirm this on the web page (otherwise one might
> assume that a default password is created).

Will do.

> Maybe give option to set password when creating account, or if not
> remind admin to tell user to log on and change password him/herself.

The user cannot log on without a valid password. The admin will have to
either set the password and inform the user, or allow the user to type in
a password into the admin's browser.

> I might be missing something simple again, but I cannot reach the main
> website of the server. (I used the deafult mycompany.com) I can reach
> http://www.e-smith.mycompany.com, but not www.mycompany.com. I can
> ping, get the admin panel. But not see the website I created using the
> default tools. Something simple, or did I miss something in the
> forums?

Is DNS for www.mycompany.com set up correctly to resolve to your
server? The DNS settings for www.company.com are independent of the server
setup. Without DNS set up correctly, you should be able to access the main
web site using http://a.b.c.d/ where a.b.c.d is the IP address of your
server's Internet connection.

Thanks for your testing and feedback.


  Charlie Brady                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  http://www.e-smith.org (development)  http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
  Phone: +1 (613) 368 4376 or 564 8000  Fax: +1 (613) 564 7739
  e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

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