
For anyone that is really interested... I installed e-smith 4.1.b4 onto 
a 486DX4-100 with 64MB RAM,  1.0GB SCSI HDD, a 1MB ISA 
Trident Video card,  and a 1X external SCSI CD-ROM.

The install was flawless, PAINFULLY slow, but flawless. It took a 
little over an hour to get through the installation from start to finish. 

I unfortunately was not able to do any serious testing becuase I 
then had to format the drive and install RedHat 7. (I have to do a 
review of a personal internet security suite for Maximum Linux, and 
needed a clean install of RedHat (with x-windows) to install the 
software on.) But now that I know it can be done I'm going to turn 
this into a mail server for my own  ".ca" domain once my playing is 
done. I'll keep you informed.

Dean Staff  Kanata On. Canada

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